With over 40,000 hours leading classes, workshops and private sessions…
Fiona completed teacher training at the world renowned Yoga Works in Santa Monica, California. She uses the best of yoga, chi gung, resistance stretching, movement, breathing and focus of mind to help people get comfortable and balanced in their bodies. Her gift is making things simple. Her voice takes you on a journey. She uses practical tools that gently spill over into your life and creates an awareness of your body, that will stay with you.
Corporate work has included:
NAB, Corning, SecurePay, Ethical Jobs, Ambulance Victoria, BDO Australia, QBE, KIds Undercover, John Waddel Architects, Tradewinds, Australia Post, Warner Music, Logie-Smith Landon, Multinet Gas, The Victoria Police Forensic department, TAL,Travel Click, Sage,ANZ, Go Healthy, TAL, PTID, Pinnacle Group, Evolution Mining , James Hardy Asia pacific, the office of sport, nutrano produce group, Hapag- Lloyd australia , Fonterra co-operative Group limited, Brother international, Tata consultancy, VMLY&R,
Dept of industry science energy and resources, Fino comp.