There are so many around us with chronic illness…
Shopping around for healing …
Not quite getting there.
Sometimes fear is a huge component in their stories as they have all been on the brink of being incredibly ill or even death…
So the fear has been real …
So in their journey to full recovery
they get somewhat better
Or a whole lot better
But the possibility of relapse
Is like a predator ready to pounce …
But what if it was the fear itself that was the keeping them from being fully healed ?
If I was to remind them that their thoughts are creative and powerful
Each one would respond
‘yes I know that… I meditate… I think positive ‘ they say
But what if I was to remind them that their thoughts are creative 24/7 … not just the one hour a day that they are consciously present and aligned to what they want?
That when they tell the story of their illness
They are literally recreating that experience ?
That they have only bought that knowing
Into a small package of their life…
When you become present everywhere all the time you become the healing you’ve been looking for
You notice the drop in your energy
How it makes you feel
And you can Re correct
Like a sailor
Adapting to the change in weather…
It is not a particular herb supplement device
Or healer that is the the door way to your complete healing
These are tools you work with …
It is You plus the support system you choose
That creates the magic
Your belief
Your spoken word
Your confidence
Your knowing
Which creates healing…
That is why miracles happen and they are different miracles for each of you …
And that is why there is not one thing that consistently works for everyone…
You job is not to be healed
But to be a deliberate creator of your healing
Using earths magic as your wand.
Fiona Goldsmith©️